National rules

The National Electricity Law requires anyone who owns, controls, or operates a generating system in the National Electricity Market (NEM) to register as a generator.

Exemptions apply if your generating system has a nameplate rating of less than 5MW when fully connected. We work with these non-registered generators through a negotiated connection service.

Generation systems of 5MW to 30MW capacity may be exempted from registering as a generator subject to AEMO discretion depending on how much power you expect to export over a 12-month period or if all export energy is purchased by a market participant rather than sold into the spot market.

Other rules also apply if you have battery storage facilities associated with your generating system. Applications from registered generators with a capacity greater than 5MW are subject to a more extensive process managed in cooperation with AEMO.

This type of generating plant cannot be connected to the high voltage distribution system. It must be connected to the 66kV sub-transmission system. This may require upgrades to local networks or modifications to accommodate the new generator while also sustaining reliable, quality supplies to other customers.

Under Chapter 5 of the National Electricity Rules, the connection process for registered generators with a capacity greater than 5MW involves the following steps.

Connection for registered generators above 5MW

  • 01
  • 02
  • 03
  • 04

Registered electrical contractors


Developers and builders