
Developers and builders


Developers and builders

United Energy's online connection application service streamlines the application process and allows you to:

  • submit applications to upgrade, extend, or modify our network to enable supply, including:
    • pit installations
    • new or increased supply
    • public lighting schemes
    • unmetered supply
    • relocating, replacing, or removing assets or equipment
    • providing power to new housing or industrial estates
    • high voltage supply and major projects
    • high level network capacity information for unregistered embedded generation applications
    • embedded generation and battery connections (both registered and unregistered)
  • obtain permits for:
    • No Go Zones
    • high load transport

All forms for your development previously required to be submitted via email, can now be submitted electronically.

Cost of connection, extension and augmentation works

You may be required to pay towards the cost of the connection, extension and augmentation works. This payment is separate to your retailer’s monthly charges for ongoing electricity supply. These charges can vary significantly depending on:

  • The scale and complexity of work required.
  • The capacity requested by the customer.
  • The location of the development relative to our distribution network.

Our Connection Policy details the basis for calculating these charges.

Contestable works

United Energy is required to provide customers with tender options when electricity supply, undergrounding (or similar services) and public lighting requests necessitate augmentation of the distribution network. These tender options include the calling of tenders by the customer or calling of tenders by the distributor at the customer’s request. You can find out more about contestable works via the link below.

Urban development

We support urban growth by making sure new high density residential or industrial and commercial developments on the United Energy network have access to safe and reliable power. You can find out more via the link below.

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