Customer commitments

Putting you first

Our customers’ expectations for what we deliver are greater than ever before. Customers want more than just safe, reliable and affordable electricity – they expect us to empower their energy choices, and deliver services important to their communities and the environment.

For the first time, we’re publishing a set of commitments to further demonstrate that our customers are at the centre of everything we do. Recently approved by the Australian Energy Regulator, our five-year investment plans reflect these expectations.

Through consultation with our Customer Advisory Panel and our customers, we have developed measurable commitments that align with these plans. Our commitments are closely linked to our vision and cover themes of affordability, reliability, safety, empowering choices and the environment.

Highlights include supporting more customers to export excess solar back into the grid, keeping our prices the lowest in Victoria, ensuring campaigns and communications are accessible to culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and retaining and developing our in-house regional-based Australian 24/7 contact centre.

We have tailored our commitments to reflect our customers’ different needs, and will monitor and adapt these as expectations change over time. Importantly, we will be publicly reporting on the progress of each commitment over the next five years.

Where we are performing well, these measures will hold us to account to make sure we sustain that level of performance for our customers. Where we can do better, these measures will ensure we continue to question and challenge everything we do, and improve further.

These commitments are what will drive our business to stand out from the pack as a customer centric organisation, and give customers the confidence that we deliver on the promises we make.

Our commitments

Community partners